Quick Takeaway

Here is a quick take away from our Learn and Lead: Marketing During a Crisis. Even though we are supposed to keep six feet distance and not touch people and not have meetings, it is still important to keep your online presence and engage with your clients and be social. One of the most important things is to provide your own expertise and engage in conversations when you have something to give back. All this leads to continuing your visibility online. You don’t want to just shut down and go into a little shell and wait for this crisis to end. This is the moment to seize the boom in online presence and engagement. People are seeking each other for help and support. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that? It’s a moment in time to help and provide your expertise. Continuing to maintain and build that human connection is also vital to your mental health. Check into sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Set time aside for this important exercise of digital communication. If you don’t know where your clients and supports are on social media, then it’s time to brush up on how to obtain and document that information or reach out to the team that is helping you be visible. We are all aiming to thrive and your expertise is in-demand online.