Be A Motivator

As tempting as it may be, now is not the time to let your guard down when it comes to online visibility and website security. If anything, it is time to ramp it up a bit. Why? no this isn’t some scheme to get rich quick. This is a proven fact that maintain your momentum will move you forward. Moving forward moves you ahead of your competition that is reading this and saying “She’s full of it. We need to cut back.” More than ever you need to also build up your team and let them know as challenging as this time is, we are all in this to win this. Being flexible, changing your services, adding more value to what you are currently offering, and innovative thinking will get you onto the path of survival.

Be Proactive with Your Security

Well it’s great that we are now all Zooming and working online, taking courses, updating blogs, however we are now also in greater jeopardy than before to become a victim of hackers or spammers. It stinks. It’s not right. But it happens. There are many clever ways to access your information and wreak havoc. A latest news report is warning people to be diligent when you set up a Zoom video call, recommending you have a password set for all public meetings. Aside from using a reliable security subscription for your computer, I have generated a basic list of things to be aware of:

Use strong passwords. No dog, kid, birthdays etc. use a combination of symbols, letters, numbers. If you can remember it, it can get hacked. This goes for all accounts everywhere. Use 2-Step authentication wherever possible. 

WordPress Users (basics)

  • WordPress is the best for SEO but also the best for hacking – keep ALL plug-ins up-to-date, only install reputable plug-ins (high downloads and ratings), same goes with your main theme. Always perform database and site back ups before updating and if possible set up a staging site to test prior on significant updates.
  • Check your PHP ( a server side scripting language needed to run your site) is at the latest version your hosting offers – some hosting companies hold off due to known compatibility issues so don’t panic if your friend is on PHP 7.8 and you are on 7.7 (just an example)
  • Always have an SSL installed and installed properly
  • Use Google CAPTCHA or other anti-spam filter for contact forms
  • Make sure your forms have an email that is the same as the website domain
  • Make sure that all of your images and posts are associated with an Author level and not Admin or editor
  • Remove comment capability if not using it – remove Spam comments
  •  Install a firewall and back-up system that allows you to download your files and have a malware scanner running
  • Flush your database and run optimization on your site
  • Be careful not to use your main email at an online point of contact. Set up an alias such as info@
  • Contact us if you need support 443-761-7405, we offering complete web site maintenance

Social Media

  • 2-Step authentication is imperative
  • Please, make sure you have access as an Admin to your Business pages on all social media accounts.
  • Have your Facebook team set up a Business Account that they can work from, if appropriate
  • Share only reliable sources – and read the article, don’t just look at the pretty photo and title
  • Only have 1 Facebook account that is also attached to your personal. You may not even realize this has happened if you have hired someone to set your page up.
  • All social media accounts should have a well-protected email associated with it.
  • Let us know if you need help assessing this 443-761-7405

Like, Love, Share, Engage

Keep things positive and be sure you share reputable sources. You want to leave an impression of caring and sensitivity, but also hope. You also don’t want to be the cause of misinformation. This is the time to support your local businesses who are all facing challenges during this unprecedented time. You can easily do this in your PJ’s on the couch by clicking Like, Love, Share, and engage in commenting. Offer advice and support when possible. Be selfless with your knowledge. Also, this is a great opportunity to share and help promote companies that are taking action in the community to support the people who are putting themselves out there to help combat this terrible pandemic. We have been noticing several business stepping up to the plate to make masks, meals, transport goods, and other kind acts. Promote them! Help keep business visible even when their doors are shut. This is a time for patience, generosity, and kindness. (We probably already are this way, but we can all ramp it up a bit).

Photo credit – Jenn Triplett, Niagra Falls Canada