by Jennifer Triplett | Aug 31, 2018 | Around Town
Treebranch Group will be closed on Labor Day, to spend time with our family and friends. We will open up again on Tuesday right after we raise our orange juice glasses in celebration for the start of the school year.
by Denise Hightower | Aug 23, 2018 | Around Town
We love networking with other local business owners and even more so when the local business owner happens to be a childhood friend. Denise Hightower, Web Services Director and Jennifer McAndrews of Synergy Home Care Annapolis have been friends since elementary...
by Jennifer Triplett | Aug 18, 2018 | Around Town
Shop Local 2018 Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber From delicious local food to Police Canine Demonstrations, the Shop Local event proved that this area is filled with a wide variety of businesses worth supporting. If you are a local business owner this event...